Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 23 - Carter Gap Shelter to Franklin, NC

Before I start this post, might I say that showers are the best thing ever invented!

We got up and hiking before 8. Hiked literally on the side of a cliff! It was scary... and AWESOME!  After that we rock scrambled up this steep mountain and reached our 100 th mile on a tower! :D Absolutely beautiful view that was worth the sweaty climb.

It is supposed to rain on Wednesday, which works out great because we had already planned on going into town for a resupply anyway. 

We got to the shelter at four, ate our dinner, and decided instead of waking up early to hike the four miles to the shuttle, we were going to hike it right now and just set up camp near the pick up point. So what was a 12 mile day turned into a 16 mile day. It wasn't too bad though.

It was about seven o'clock when we got there and Dad was like 'We're here, might as well see if they will pick us up'.

They did. And now I'm clean.

1 comment:

  1. looks pretty! i like showers, too. And toilets. Thus I am here and you are there. I love you!
