Monday, June 3, 2013

May 29 - Cherry Gap to Roan High Knob Shelter

The idea today was that because we pushed farther yesterday,  if we did the same thing again we could a whole day ahead of sechedual. The 22 miles we had planned for today was actually 24 miles and more of a butt kicker than we thought it would be. On our way up Roan Mountain we decided we were out of our minds.

The nice thing was we had already put in 16 miles and there was a shelter at the top of the mountain. About a mile and a half before the shelter was a side trail to a parking lot with restrooms! And not just any park restrooms, ones with running water! Running water means we can fill ALL our water bottles in the time it would take to filter one! :D It also means that we are eating dinner here! Why? You can wash dishes without wasting all the water you just filtered!

The shelter we stayed at tonight is the highest one along the whole Appalachian Trail! 6194 feet above sea level! Will and I slept in the attic/loft with a few other people. The floor was so slanted up there that we woke up like 8 inches away from where we went to sleep! Lol


  1. What is hanging from the ceiling in the last photo?

    1. Ropes to hang your food bag or pack from. They have cans on the ropes to keep the mice from running down it and chewing up your stuff!

  2. Why did you sleep in the attic? Is it because there's more room or because of bears?
