Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 18 - Walnut Mountain to Deer Park Shelt

It was supposed to be a short day (10 miles) so we were extremely lazy and it was raining so we didn't get up until 10 o'clock. Hehehe! We were smarter than everyone else who didn't wait, cause it only rained on us for about 10 or 15 minutes.

There are a group of weekend hikers that are camping at the shelter we were staying at tonight. They made Sloppy Joe's and corn on the cob. And they let us have some! It tasted like the best thing ever!

They also had three dogs I played with all night long. One slept on Will's sleeping bag for a half hour getting muddy paw prints on it, but it's okay cause we like puppies. I tried to steal one. I miss Luke.

1 comment:

  1. Mary -- Looks like you are learning that simple things can be wonderful, judging from your excitement over the Sloppy Joe's and corn. (Pretty awesome anytime!) Thinking about simple happiness, I found these verses in Ecclesiastes that pretty much sums up your entire trip:

    Oh, how sweet the light of day,
    And how wonderful to live in the sunshine!
    Even if you live a long time, don’t take a single day for granted.
    Take delight in each light-filled hour,
    Remembering that there will also be many dark days
    And that most of what comes your way is smoke.

    9 You who are young, make the most of your youth.
    Relish your youthful vigor.
    Follow the impulses of your heart.
    If something looks good to you, pursue it.
    But know also that not just anything goes;
    You have to answer to God for every last bit of it.

    10 Live footloose and fancy-free—
    You won’t be young forever.
    Youth lasts about as long as smoke.

    I've heard that Will has been sick, and that you weren't up to normal either. Totally understand -- I've been feeling cruddy for a couple of days myself -- supposed to be going to the wedding of my best-friend's son today, but had to give up on that. Hope your rest did you both good. peace...Deb
