Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 12 - Double Spring Shelter to Newfound Gap

We hiked up to Clingmans Dome (the highest point in the park) to get a beautiful view of fog. Nothing beats white clouds and zero visibility! (Note the heavy sarcasm) The best part was when we were on the next mountain, an hour and a half later, turning to see that all the clouds and fog was gone from Clingmans. Just awesome. Oh well...

While we were hiking today, Will and I created a new sport called "Hikcour". It's a combination of backpacking and parcour. Basically we were jumping to and from rocks and logs to keep from splashing in the mud. Probably one of the few fun ways to climb up a mountain.

We made it to Newfound Gap where we were going to be picked up by the hotel shuttle an hour before we thought we would! We chatted with some tourists while we waited and found trail magic! Honey Buns and Dr. Pepper! Yumm.

We hit the 200 hundred mile mark today!


  1. Aww! Someone is loving on my family when I can't!

    Oh, I don't like your hikcour. . . Sounds like a great way to get hurt and have to come home! I bet you expected me to say something like this, didn't you! Lol!

    Take good care of each other now that Dad is coming home. Don't forget to contact me . . . I miss you both and pray for your safety and an incredible experience!

  2. Danny and I have 'hiked' up to Clingman's Dome twice. The first time, there wasn't much of a view because we went too early in the morning and the fog hadn't burned off yet. The second time, just this past October, we had a spectacular view! The trees were changing, the sun was out, it was beautiful. On the way back down, we went via the Appalachian Trail. Just that part was a good hike, but we really liked it.

    Bless the people who can leave you trail magic, that's an awesome gesture!

    Stay safe and keep blogging!

  3. I've been to Clingman's Dome a time or two -- always a beautiful experience -- even dreamed of walking the whole trail after one visit, but I think I'll just live that experience through your blog! Today's verse refers to mountains -- just imagine them 'bursting with song'!
    “So you’ll go out in joy,
    you’ll be led into a whole and complete life.
    The mountains and hills will lead the parade,
    bursting with song.
    All the trees of the forest will join the procession,
    exuberant with applause.
    No more thistles, but giant sequoias,
    no more thornbushes, but stately pines—
    Monuments to me, to God,
    living and lasting evidence of God.”
    Isaiah 55:12-13 The Message


  4. I don't know if the sign showing Kathdin so far away is inspiring or heartbreaking! :D

    When I read your blog I want to do these things .. hikcour sounds fun!

    Jill in Aus
