Monday, June 3, 2013

June 1 - Mountaineer Shelter to Laurel Fork Shelter

The renewed Do-Re-Mi in the trail journal is hilarious! Quite clever!

Yes, that is a bench on the trail. No we are nowhere near a road. Haha

Today wasn't hard climbing wise, but it was long, 18 miles.

The last bit of trail to the falls started off great, wide and flat because it is a popular trail. Then it turned into a big rock pile. Literally. It took me forever to get to the bottom of it. Laurel Falls was gorgeous though!

From the falls to the shelter was fun, we walked right on the edge of the river!

Mac n Cheese for dinner again! I didn't spill the noodles this time! Whoop! Whoop!


  1. Will is starting to look like Grizzly Adams! peace...Deb

  2. I was just getting ready to say that, Deb, although I'm not sure they will know who that is! Lol!

    Loved seeing Will.

    Love the scenery, although that little bridge on the bottom made my heart start to beat faster and I'm not sure I could cross it without crying in a panic.

    Loved the song, can just hear the two of you singing it together.

    Yep. I agree with you. Laurel Falls is much prettier than Seven Falls in Colorado.

  3. Before you make fun of me for saying, 'love' or 'loved' too much, I have to say I love when you update your blog. To be able to see and read about what my babies are experiencing, to hear what is in their hearts about this trip, so see their beautiful faces makes me so very, very happy and enables me to get through another week without hearing from you.

    Your pictures are almost making me wish I were there with you. Almost. Once you figure out the bathroom for me, I might think about it. I do like a good toilet.

  4. The waterfall picture is beautiful! I'm with your mom, I love reading your updates.
