Saturday, June 8, 2013

Psst. . . This is Mary's mom!

Don't know if I will do this correctly, but I will give it a try. We have had a lot of people asking about Mary and Will lately, so I thought I would update. (Sorry, Mary, but you had your chance at the hostel! Lol!)

Mary and Will made it to Virginia on Thursday sometime, crossing Tennessee off their list of states. Three down, eleven to go, with Virginia being the state with the most miles, with well over 500. They spent two nights in Damascus and are back to hiking now. We haven't talked on the phone since last weekend, though. They didn't have a cell phone signal on Saturday night because their check-in message came via their satellite connection with a short, 'Done for the day' message. Therefore, I bet  we may not get any blog updates for a while.

I am guessing that they went around 15 miles today, taking their total up to 482.7 miles! They are more than 20% complete!

If you are local and are wondering how far they have gone, drive by our home where we have some signs in the front windows keeping track of their progress.

We plan to visit the kids soon and I am soooo looking forward to that. They have been texting me lists of items they would like us to bring. Mary has two things tied for first place, I believe--her dog and some homemade macaroni and cheese!

I have two requests of you. First, this mom is asking for continued prayers for her children. The bad weather we are scheduled to receive Sunday/Monday will be heading their way. Secondly, I know it is a pain sometimes to leave comments, but if you could just leave a quick 'Hello, Mary and Will' with your name included, maybe she will really realize more than Mom, Deb, and Kathy are reading! Haha! I just checked... There are over 6,000 views of her blog! While I pull this up a lot, I haven't come here THAT much!

One last thing I want to mention... I just love when my kids call home. While you can tell it through some of her posts here, hearing Mary and Will's voices so very, very excited when they are sharing their experiences is quite wonderful. I don't know if I have ever heard such truly excited joy in both of their voices this much. They, so far, are loving this time they are hiking together and our phone calls are just filled with laughter.

Mary, I apologize for hijacking your blog. Just think of me as a guest blogger, filling in. I love you, sweetheart. See you soon!


  1. Hi, Mary and Will! I love you! Mom

  2. Thanks for the update, Mary, I mean Emily:)

    We are a few of the 6000 visitors who don't don't leave a message. Rachel is excited about coming, and I am a bit nervous, so you need to update more often;)

    Love and prayers to you 2. Miss seeing your smile at church.

  3. Thanks for the update Emily - and your e mails! I mentioned Mary & Will's trip on my blog so those that follow me might learn about the Appalachian Trail through Mary! I knew a guy from church who gave up a good job to take Indianapolis inner city kids out in nature including on the AT so I've been interested in it since. And I check here for updates a couple of times a day! Have fun Mary & Will! Hope you start having better weather soon. We're sure needing the rain to stop here in Iowa too.

    your Mom's stamping friend, Cindy

  4. Emily -- what a wonderful mother you are! I love the joy that I hear in your post. Prayers for Mary and Will this week, and every week.

    And just so you don't feel left out, I have a scripture for you, too -- the topic is joy:

    Psalms 5:11-12 But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield.


  5. LOL, thanks for the update 'Mary'. I'm glad to hear they are still doing well along the trail. I think it's awesome they get this time together to do something so challenging and fun. They'll remember this for the rest of their lives. It will be something they can share with their children. Praying they have nice weather and no big issues.

  6. Mary,
    I cannot wait to get there..... Walking on a treadmill is sooo boring. Haha. From everything I've heard & read it seems like you're having a lot of fun & seeing a lot of cool things!! I love seeing pictures!
    -Rachel :)

  7. Mary and Will,
    Love reading about your adventures. Your Uncle and I love the outdoors, too. We have talked about traveling via bike on some sort of adventure. We've heard traveling thru Italy this way is very breathtaking. (Thanks Em for keeping the blog alive!)
    Love to you all :)

  8. Ciao Mary & Will,

    The first time I heard about your great but crazy adventure it was through your dad's collagues. I did not know this Amazing trial exists. Congratulations and keep going... you have a fan all the way in italy.
    Thanks to your dad I get the updates of your trip through the blog.
    Buon viaggio! Ciao! cristina

  9. Hello Will,

    I hope you and Mary are doing OK. I enjoy reading about your adventure and I continue to pray for both of you.

    Paul Williams

  10. Good luck Mary! Your dad has been keeping me informed. What a neat thing to do after high school! Cap'n Ron
