Friday, June 14, 2013

June 5 - Iron Mountain Shelter to Abington Gap Shelter

16 miles today! The last couple days we have slacked off, time to get back to business! :D

Passed by a grave this morning. Stated "Uncle Nick - Lived alone, suffered alone, died alone". What a happy note to start the day on...

Hiked through a pasture and saw a calf! So cute! There were no other cows around though so it must have gotten lost or something. :(

We were very tempted to hike an extra 10 miles straight into Damascus, especially if there was no room in the tiny 5 man shelter. I would have followed Will into town, but luckily I didn't have to, there were two spots left in the shelter. (I'm lazy)

As we were going to sleep I realized I had a trail name. Because of my grace yesterday, I am now 'Head First'. Haha


  1. Dad just told me over the phone that you could have used your old band name of Stumbles!

  2. Hello Head First! I like it -- it sounds like a woman who thinks first, then makes a move (just forget about how you really got the name!)

    By the time you read this, you will have already went through Damascus and then some, but I couldn't miss this opportunity to talk about what happened to Saul on his journey to Damascus:

    Acts 9 The Voice (VOICE)

    9 Back to Saul—this fuming, raging, hateful man who wanted to kill every last one of the Lord’s disciples: he went to the high priest in Jerusalem 2 for authorization to purge all the synagogues in Damascus of followers of the way of Jesus.[a] His plan was to arrest and chain any of Jesus’ followers—women as well as men—and transport them back to Jerusalem. 3 He traveled north toward Damascus with a group of companions.

    Imagine this: Suddenly a light flashes from the sky around Saul, 4 and he falls to the ground at the sound of a voice.

    The Lord: Saul, Saul, why are you attacking Me?

    Saul: 5 Lord, who are You?

    Then he hears these words:

    The Lord: I am Jesus. I am the One you are attacking. 6 Get up. Enter the city. You will learn there what you are to do.

    These are shocking, unexpected words that will change his life forever.

    7 His other traveling companions just stand there, paralyzed, speechless because they, too, heard the voice; but there is nobody in sight. 8 Saul rises to his feet, his eyes wide open, but he can’t see a thing. So his companions lead their blind friend by the hand and take him into Damascus. 9 He waits for three days—completely blind—and does not eat a bite or drink a drop of anything.

    10 Meanwhile, in Damascus a disciple named Ananias had a vision in which the Lord Jesus spoke to him.

    Prayers that your journey 'on the Damascus Road' will be just as enlightening. peace....Deb

  3. Uncle Nick's grave sounds very sad and lonely. But, he might have wanted it like that.

    Ahhh, that poor calf. I hope someone found it's mama for it.

    16 miles is awesome. I have been working out using Insanity and have lost 13 pounds so far. A friend who is Afghanistan right now will be home in December and he and I have a pact to walk the Monon Trail on New Year's Day. Although it's 26 miles, our walk will be easier than any of your 13 miles with all the rocks and hills. I don't know how you and Will do it.

    1. Good for you, Kathy, on your weight loss! (BTW, I think I know where that weight went to...I've gained nearly that since winter....)


  4. oh dear .. I hope you aren't counting 16 miles as slacking off!! You make me feel really lazy if you do!

    We run sheep here and at times do have some cattle .. what the cows usually do is leave the calf and go off feeding and come back and get it later on. So your calf probably wasn't abandoned ... Mum was just having a feed :)

    Jill in Australia
