Friday, June 14, 2013

June 4 - Watauga Lake Shelter to Iron Mountain Shelter

Got on the trail before 8! Woot! (Only by like 5 minutes haha)

So somehow I tripped and went head first into the ground. It didn't hurt or anything, but I was trapped under my backpack for a few minutes. In my attempt to get up, I flopped around like a fish out of water until I was able to unbuckle the hip belt on my pack. Silly Will didn't take a picture, for some reason he was more worried about if I was okay. What's up with that?

Other than that, it was not an eventful day but we did learn during dinner that the shelter we stopped at for lunch was the location of an axe murder in the 70s. Ooo! Scary!


  1. That is SOOO un-Bradley like not to laugh when someone falls down. Mamaw would be so disappointed in Will! Haha! Will has a bit of his momma in him!

    Look a those curls on Will! Haven't seen those since his long-haired middle school days!

  2. Glad to hear that you're okay so that you can continue your adventure. I must say, I would have had to have laughed, then checked to see if you were okay! LOL

    Love the picture with the trees and mountains with the lake where you can see boats on it!

  3. Glad you are OK...but I have to admit, I would love to have seen a photo:)

  4. C'mon, Will - get with the program and document these moments when Mary plunges Head First into danger... :D PS - I can give a pretty mean buzz cut -

    Happy Trails to you both!
