Friday, June 28, 2013

Sorry! :(

Y'all have probably given up on me but just incase any of you are still reading...
June 9 - Lost Mountain Shelter to Thomas Knob Shelter
We stopped for lunch on top of Buzzard Rock. It was nice sitting in the sun and we even had a cell signal! But with dark cloud approaching, we got on our way in hopes of making it to the shelter before it started to rain. But we had no luck and it began to rain with 5 miles to go and a thousand foot climb left. Oh well. It started to clear up right before we got to the shelter and we were able to take a side trail to the top of Mount Rodgers, the highest peak in Virginia. The storm closed back in as we made it back to the shelter and it stormed all night. The shelter had an attic so we stayed up there out of the wind.
June 10 - Thomas Knob Shelter to Old Orchard Shelter
It was still storming in the morning, so we figured out how to change our schedule so that we could zero here at the shelter and miss the rain. But just as we got comfy the storm cleared up. (Darn I was excited for our lazy day!) Today we hike through the Grayson Highlands with the wild ponies! As we were hiking we saw a herd of ponies in a valley, being that this could be our only chance to interact with them we ran down there, dropping our packs on a side trail that crossed about half way down. The ponies licked the salt off my arms, it was cute and gross at the same time. We even got to pet the foals! It started raining again and the ponies ran to hide under the trees and we ran up to our packs. Which we could not find. Uh oh. We finally found them 10 or 15 mins later, it seems that when running up a hill in the rain you don't always come back to the same place you left. Haha. We saw another heard later. They are so cute and they walk right up to you. The shelter we stayed at was full when got there so we hammocked. It rained again in the night and Will got wet.
June 11 - Old Orchard Shelter to Trimpi Shelter
Will was not happy. His hammock and sleeping bag got wet in the storm last night. Stopped for lunch at a very nice new shelter and talked to this cool old dude named Grinder. Shared the shelter tonight with "The Fellowship". Five guys, two of them brothers, thru-hiking together. They were hilarious. Dr Seuss told us about trolls and how to deal with them if we come across them on the trail. Saw a HUGE black snake slither out of the roof of the shelter into a bush. Not cool.
June 12 - Trimpi Shelter to Marion, VA
It was ten miles to the visitors center where we could get a shuttle into town and we we had heard that you could get a pizza delivered there. So of course we all rushed to get there. But guess who doesn't deliver until 4? So no pizza. :( The shuttle came at 2:30, we resupplied and ate a ton of food.
June 13 - Marion, VA to Chatfield Shelter
Caught the 11 o'clock shuttle back to the trail and had a short day to the shelter. But that doesn't mean it was easy! The last 3 mikes we hiked through a tropical storm! It was crazy!
June 14 - Chatfield Shelter to Knot Maul Branch Shelter
This morning during our hike we took a side trail to an 1890's farm! It was cute. I always wanted to live on an old farm or work at Conner Prairie. We took advantage of a restaurant that the trail walked past. Mmmm... burgers!
June 15 - Knot Maul Branch to Bland, VA
Yay! Our family is coming today! We had a two thousand foot climb to a shelter with a beautiful view. We had extra time until our family arrived so instead of waiting by the road we hung out at the shelter with Toptart and Salamander, ate, and then took a nap in the sun. Mom, Kate, Sofia, and Luke arrived sometime around 8. Yay! My puppy!
June 16, 17, & 18 - Family Time!
We moved from the motel we stayed at last night to a hotel in another town and just hung out and swam in the pool. The next day we brought everybody back to the Grayson Highlands in hopes of seeing ponies!  No luck, but we had fun climbing on the rocks and they were able to do a little section of the Appalachian Trail. The 18th we had to get back on the trail, but not until like 3:30. Haha Nobody wanted to say goodbye.


  1. Wonderful. love the photographs. too bad the ponies weren't there when we came, but I can't imagine having a better time than we did.

  2. Of course I'm still reading! :)

  3. I don't know if I've ever seen anything more amazing than those little ponies! I'm so glad that you are taking time to enjoy the wonders around you, even if it means veering off trail just a bit. I feel like you've already described more 'adventures' than AWOL did in his book. Keep it up!

    In keeping with my habit, I looked for scripture verses about horses -- to see the scene, God is speaking to Job, trying to make him even more humble. Job 39:19-25, The Message:
    Are you the one who gave the horse his prowess
    and adorned him with a shimmering mane?
    Did you create him to prance proudly
    and strike terror with his royal snorts?
    He paws the ground fiercely, eager and spirited,
    then charges into the fray.
    He laughs at danger, fearless,
    doesn’t shy away from the sword.
    The banging and clanging
    of quiver and lance don’t faze him.
    He quivers with excitement, and at the trumpet blast
    races off at a gallop.
    At the sound of the trumpet he neighs mightily,
    smelling the excitement of battle from a long way off,
    catching the rolling thunder of the war cries.

    Mighty powerful stuff to have been inspired by those cute ponies, but I still see a connection! Prayers for continued safe journey -- peace, Deb

  4. Keep posting when you can. I'm enjoying reading about something I've always wanted to do. Thanks! (a friend of your Dad)

  5. Thanks for the post! That's so fun that you got to pet the ponies and foals! BIG snake in the shelter?? Yikes! Lots of spiders too I assume?
