Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3 - Hampton, TN to Wasuaga Lake Shelter

The laundromat was closed yesterday so we were not able to leave early this morning. It didn't open until 10 - Yay we get to sleep in! This laundromat is so weird. Its a computer resale, internet cafe, has mini arcade and pool tables, landry, and it sells burgers and hotdogs. The most random combination of things. Atleast it was a good cheese burger.

The hostel was very nice. We mostly had the floor all to ourselves, and that's saying something cause that place is huge!

We didn't end up getting on the trail until 2 o'clock, but we only had about 8 and a half miles. We had one big climb and the last 2 miles was spend walking around a lake.

Tomorrow is either a 14 mile or a 22 mile day. We will see what happens.


  1. Looking forward to seeing you in a little while. I think I'm going to bring the scale to see just how much you weigh! Lol! I think I need to bring you new clothes. . . compare how the blue shirt fits you in the sidebar picture and in the photo where I left you and Dad on Springer mountain with the photo of you at Bradley Gap!

  2. Love the all purpose laundry-mats -- the one in Franklin used to have a pool room attached to it, and one in Greenwood has tanning booths. As for me, I just like to read on the occasions I go to the laundry, oh and eat snacks. Maybe a combination laundry/library/coffee shop would be a good business!

    Since you brought up the laundry, thought I'd focus on the idea of how wonderful it is to be clean. We've all heard that "Cleanliness is next to godliness", but that is a quote from John Wesley, not the scriptures -- though he did found the Methodist Church, so it's pretty close. But I did a little digging, and found the perfect verse! (By now, Mary, you should know that there is a scripture for EVERYTHING -- even a trip to the laundry!) Psalms 51:10, in The Voice translation, says: "Create in me a clean heart, O God; restore within me a sense of being brand new."

    Safe travels -- peace...Deb
